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Panagiotis Lymberatos from Estonia on “Our Global Voice” | 27 Jan. 2025
Our Global Voice Diplas P. , Kontogiannis D.
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Panagiotis Lymberatos from Estonia on “Our Global Voice” | 27 Jan. 2025

Panagiotis Lymberatos, who has been living and working in the Baltic country since 2014, spoke about the pros and cons of daily life in Estonia on “Our Global Voice”, a show on The Voice of Greece radio, hosted by Dimitris Kontogiannis. He particularly highlighted the rising cost of living in recent years, which has not been accompanied by a corresponding increase in wages.

Mr. Lymberatos, who supplies Greek imported products to restaurants in Tallinn and beyond, specifically mentioned the upcoming VAT increase on food from 22% to 24% in June, as well as the ban on Russian tourists entering Estonia following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

On a positive note, he praised the efficiency of the Estonian state, the role of digitalization, the punctuality of public transportation, the local driving culture—where motorists stop at crosswalks for pedestrians—and the widespread use of food delivery robots. He also noted a growing number of Greek tourists visiting Estonia, particularly from May to autumn, facilitated by direct flights from Athens operated by a major Greek airline.

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