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Poet of the Week: Depy Nikolopoulpou | Thursday 29 Feb. 2024
Each weekly episode is a tribute to a contemporary poet from Greece or the Greek Diaspora. The poets recite their poems themselves, along with an original live music background. The Poet of the Week 26 Feb.-03 Mar. 2024 is Depy Nikolopoulpou. Depy Nikolopoulou...
Our first waltz | Wednesday 28 February 2024
In a nightclub in post-war Giannitsa, Giorgos meets Niki, the neighbor he likes, and they dance the first waltz of their lives. Narrator: Giorgos AslanidisResearcher: Niki FotiadouPodcast Creation: Maya FilippopoulouSound Design: Iasonas TheofanouAudio Editing: Michael IkonomidisPhoto...
Poet of the Week: Depy Nikolopoulpou | Wednesday 28 Feb. 2024
Each weekly episode is a tribute to a contemporary poet from Greece or the Greek Diaspora. The poets recite their poems themselves, along with an original live music background. The Poet of the Week 26 Feb.-03 Mar. 2024 is Depy Nikolopoulpou. Depy Nikolopoulou...
Ethnomusicologist Paraskevi Kanellatou on ”Imprint” | 29 Feb 2024, 12.00 
Την Πέμπτη 29 Φεβρουαρίου 2024, 12:00 ώρα Ελλάδας, η εκπομπή «Αποτύπωμα» με τη Φούλη Ζαβιτσάνου, συναντά στο στούντιο της Φωνής της Ελλάδας, την εθνομουσικολόγο Παρασκευή Κανελλάτου, με αφορμή την διεξαγωγή του 12ου FolCalFest – Διασυνοριακοί Διάλογοι: Σχέσεις Πολυφωνίας, το Σάββατο 2 Μαρτίου στο Αμφιθέατρο “Μίκης Θεοδωράκης” στο Δημαρχείο Παπάγου-Χολαργού στις 7 μμ.  Ως διευθύντρια ερευνών του Ερευνητικού Κέντρου Ελληνικού Τραγουδήματος (ΕΡΚΕΤ) που διοργανώνει το Φεστιβάλ αλλά και ως καλλιτεχνική διευθύντρια του 12ου FolCalFest (Folklore Vocal Festival), η Παρασκευή Κανελλάτου μας μιλά για το έργο και τις δράσεις του ΕΡΚΕΤ και, φυσικά, για το πρόγραμμα και τους στόχους του Φεστιβάλ που φέτος θέτει στο ... Read more
Poet of the Week: Depy Nikolopoulpou | Tuesday 27 Feb. 2024
Each weekly episode is a tribute to a contemporary poet from Greece or the Greek Diaspora. The poets recite their poems themselves, along with an original live music background. The Poet of the Week 26 Feb.-03 Mar. 2024 is Depy Nikolopoulpou. Depy Nikolopoulou...
The Ship’s Log | Feb. 27, 2024: The Diving Bell
On January 2024, the ”Deck Diary” is launched on Voice of Greece website.A ‘safe harbor’, were you can find thoughts, poems, dreams, memories, incidents from life on board, or a short video on board. It is inspired by Nikos Kavvadias, and dedicated to all Greek sailors, in collaboration with VoG’s the show ‘”Fair Winds and Following Seas” with Antonis Karagiannakis. We started this column on the website of Voice of Greece and social media, on the day of the birth of poet Nikos Kavvadias.We couldn’t have found a better day. Maybe St. Nicholas Day, but we were now in January ... Read more
Abduction in the middle of the night | Monday 26 February 2024
A bartender who has just finished school and in the middle of the night ehile heading to her car realizes that a man holding a knife is behind her. Narrator: Rena BistaktsiResearcher: Spiros MantzavinosPodcast Creation: Stavros VlachosSound Design: Iasonas TheofanouAudio Editing: Spyros LymperopoulosMusic:...
Poet of the Week: Depy Nikolopoulou | Monday 26 Feb. 2024
Each weekly episode is a tribute to a contemporary poet from Greece or the Greek Diaspora. The poets recite their poems themselves, along with an original live music background. The Poet of the Week 26 Feb.-03 Mar. 2024 is Depy Nikolopoulpou. Depy Nikolopoulou...
The lament from Epirus that changed my life | Sunday 25 February 2024
How Christorpher King, a music enthusiast from Hot Springs, Virginia, became a tireless and devoted advocate of the music of the southern Balkans and moved into a small village in Greece. Interviewee: Christopher KingInterview by: Chrysanthi NikaProducer: Charis PagonidouSound Designer:...
Eva Simatou on ”Our Town” | 26 Feb. 2024, 19.00
The guest actress talks in the studio about the play she is currently playing, Shakespeare's King Lear at Kefallinias Street Theater, but also about her participation in the TV "Pantheoi" and "Wild Bees". The show refers to her most important work, her collaborations with important directors and actors,...
I started the Greek nuclear reactor | Sunday 25 February 2024
Nikos Chrysochoidis, the nuclear physicist who operated and managed the Greek nuclear reactor for decades, talks about its creation, the eventful day of the inauguration and the Chernobyl accident. Pictures source: National Centre for Scientific Research ''Demokritos''Narrator:...
Infinitely Curious: Art therapy | 25 Feb. 2024, 11.00
Tune in this Sunday 25 February 2024 at 11.00 am (Athens time) to Voice of Greece’s English-language show ‘Infinitely Curious‘ with Katerina Batzaki and discover why art therapy can be a rich healing process. Listen to the interview with art therapist Donna Lattendresse from NY, who explains how ar...
The terrorist attack that changed my life | Friday 23 February 2024
Ο αγώνας της Ενίντα, που σε ηλικία δέκα ετών ακρωτηριάστηκε από μια τρομοκρατική επίθεση στο σπίτι της, να ξεπεράσει το τραύμα και να συνεχίσει τη ζωή της. Αφηγήτρια: Ενίντα ΣούληΕρευνητής: Χρήστος ΑσημακόπουλοςΔημιουργία Podcast: Σταύρος ΒλάχοςΣχεδιασμός Ήχου: Ιάσονας ΘεοφάνουΕπεξεργασία Ήχου: Δημήτρης ΠαπαδάκηςΦωτογραφικά στιγμιότυπα: Ισιδώρα Χαρμπίλα Το Istorima είναι το μεγαλύτερο έργο καταγραφής και διάσωσης προφορικών ιστοριών της Ελλάδας. Πάνω ... Read more