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Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
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Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 10 July 2024

On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, after reading the front pages of the newspapers, we spoke with Mr. Christos Kellas, Deputy Minister of Rural Development, about matters concerning his ministry but also about the current affairs of the day, focusing on the French elections and the effect they have on the Greek political scene and the soaring prices, mainly in the food sector, which is also related to agri-food. Immediately after, the labor specialist giannis Karouzos informed us about the provisions of the law regarding the six-day work.
In the second hour of the show, we started with a telephone conversation with Ms. Eleni Nastouli, professor of Virology at the University College London, from whom we were informed about the latest developments on the front of the Corona virus, which has returned strongly with a new mutation, but also about the problems the NHS is facing in England, which are an immediate priority for the new Labor government. Ms. Mina Harbali, vice-president of the Hellenic Association of Realtors, spoke to us about the issue of student housing and the problems faced by the families of children who have succeeded in schools far from their place of residence.
The show ended with Ivana Djordjevic on the international and Antigoni Drakatou in the studio for the sports news.