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“Faraway words” with Dimitris Dimitriadis from the Hellenic Theatre of Geneva  | 10.05.22
Faraway Words Natasa Vissarionos
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“Faraway words” with Dimitris Dimitriadis from the Hellenic Theatre of Geneva | 10.05.22

“Ioannis Kapodistrias, Glory and Solitude” is the name of the performance of the Hellenic Theatre of Geneva which, after a successful run in Switzerland (Geneva, Lausanne, and Fribourg), was presented in Corfu, the birthplace of Kapodistrias, in Patras and for two evenings (Wednesday, October 5 and Thursday, October 6) at the Athens College, at 20:00, with free admission.

On the occasion of the arrival of the Hellenic Theatre of Geneva in Greece, the president of the theater group, Mr. Dimitris Dimitriadis, who plays the role of Kapodistrias in this performance, was a guest on“Voice of Greece” and spoke in the studio with Natasa Vissarionos and Giannis-Stelios Tzirvelakis.

Mr. Dimitriadis spoke about his life, how he found himself in Switzerland and settled there, his involvement with theater, “without which he no longer can live“, the history of the Hellenic Theatre of Geneva, which has been promoting Greek culture for 28 years, the impact of this historical production about Kapodistrias on the Swiss and Greeks, as well as the importance of the work of the first ruler of Greece for both countries.

As he said, it is an original play, written and directed by Ioanna Papandropoulou – Berthoud, professor at the University of Geneva and an honorary doctor of the University of Patras, on the occasion of the celebrations of the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution. The aim of the author, who has been an active member of the Hellenic Theatre of Geneva for many years, was to highlight the role of Kapodistrias in European diplomacy in the 19th century, his action for the independence and perpetual neutrality of Switzerland, as well as his effective contribution to the Greek struggle against the Ottoman rule and the subsequent re-establishment of the Greek state.

It is worth noting that the Hellenic Theatre of Geneva was founded in 1994 by the professional actor and student of the great Karolos Koun, George Stagakis, who for many years taught, encouraged the group and directed most of the plays and events. In the 28 years since its foundation, the company has staged five tragedies, seven plays from the contemporary repertoire, and nine poetic music-theater evenings. Through the various activities of the group, the Greek language, history, literature, and especially the Greek theatrical tradition are promoted.

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