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NEXT 06:00 - 06:15
Take Your Time
On Thursday, March 30, Maria Karaklioumi, political analyst of RASS, puts us in an election mood, analyzing the correlations of the parties, 50 days before the ballot box on May 21, comments on how the discussion about the possibility of new elections on July 2 could affect participation, talks about...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
On Sunday, March 26, the show "Our Town" is joined by Savina Giannatou. In a discussion with Themis Rodamitis, the eminent and talented performer and musician talks about the most important moments of her long and successful journey in the cities of the world. She talks about her...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
On Saturday, March 25th, the broadcasting program "Our Town" is joined by Moses Asher. The songwriter and music producer spoke about his personal career in singing, its imprint in 4 personal publications ("The Dirty One", "Of No Value", "Outside Pavlidis"). He talks with Themis...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
On Friday, March 24th, the Broadcasting Program "Our Town", welcomes Nancy Biniadaki. The Berlin-based director talks about her theater production "Shout Out Loud" (which was performed in the Stasi headquarters, currently a museum), featuring five female actors who stand up to the law that...
Take Your Time
Στην εκπομπή της Πέμπτης, 23 Μαρτίου, μετά την εισαγωγή και τα πρωτοσέλιδα των εφημερίδων, συνομιλήσαμε με τον κ. Γιώργο Λαγαριά, οικονομολόγο Mazars Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου, από τον οποίο ζητήσαμε να μας εξηγήσει τι συνέπειες θα μπορούσε να έχει η νέα τραπεζική κρίση, πως θα εξελιχθεί η υπόθεση της αύξησ...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
On Sunday, March 19th, the show "Our Town" hosted Themis Andreadis. The charismatic singer-songwriter talked about his special and distinctive artistic career, his first appearances at the famous Athenian ''Ledra'' boîte in the Plaka neighborhood, next to Yannis Markopoulos, the magical era of the ...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
The show "Our Town", hosts Vouvoula Skoura on Friday, March 17th. The award-winning director was in the studio of the Voice of Greece on the occasion of the first screening of her film ''CONTRABANDO Seeking Melpo'' at the Greek Film Archive on March 21st, where we were given the opportunity...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
On Sunday, March 12th, the show "Our Town" presented a tribute to Lena Platonos. The composer, poet and pioneering artist discussed with Themis Rodamitis about her special interests: classical music, jazz, folk singing, visual arts, dance. She spoke about electronic music, in which she has been a...
Infinitely Curious: An episode on trains (12.03.2023)
I have a love affair with trains. I chose my apartment in the Athens neighbourhood of Rouf because I can watch the trains pass by every day from my window. A good morning with Angeliki, the person in charge who raises and lowers the train barrier so that cars can pass, is enough to make my day. As a...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
On Saturday, March 11th, the show "Our Town" hosted Christina Maxouri. The talented actress and performer spoke about the musical performance she is currently presenting about the great folk singer, Sotiria Bellou. The show made special reference to her turbulent life, her unique and unparalleled...
Take Your Time
Στην εκπομπή της Πέμπτης, 9 Μαρτίου, συνομιλήσαμε τηλεφωνικά με τον πρόεδρο της Εκτελεστικής Επιτροπής της ΑΔΕΔΥ, Βασίλη Πολυμερόπουλο, ένα 24ωρο μετά την απεργιακή κινητοποίηση της Τετάρτης και τις μεγάλες συγκεντρώσεις στην Αθήνα και στις άλλες μεγάλες πόλεις, με αφορμή το πολύνεκρο δυστύχημα στα...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
On Saturday, March 4th, the show "Our Town" hosted Alekos Alavanos. On the occasion of the publication of his poetic-literary book "Pylai Arriton Epon", Alekos Alavanos discussed with Themis Rodamitis about his relationship with literature, the theater, radio, values, the concepts of citizenship and...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
The show "Our Town" on Friday, March 3rd, hosted Filippos Koutsaftis. The distinguished director and director of photography talked about his documentaries and films (Semnon Theon, Mia mera me to Minoa, Arkadia haire, etc.). He spoke about his film, “Agelastos Petra", which was a milestone in the f...
Soil of My Soul with Angelos Stathopoulos
This year, the 25th Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival honors one of the best-known voices of Greek documentary filmmaking, director and producer Stavros Psyllakis. This was a good reason for us to once again talk with Stavros Psyllakis, who explores the world surrounding us...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
Composer, Linos Kokotos, was hosted on the Voice of Greece and the show "Our Town" on Sunday, February 26th, 2023. Linos Kokotos spoke to Themis Rodamitis about an entire era of the Greek song, the era of the “boîtes” and the New Wave, while he talked about his important collaborations with...
Infinitely Curious: Queen of the Deuce and Mighty Afrin | 26.02.2023
Valerie Kontakos’ new documentary, “Queen of the Deuce,” celebrates the wild life of Chelly Wilson, a colorful and fiery character who thrived in the midst of a heavily dominated milieu, run a porn empire and hosted a rotating cast of guests and supplicants at her apartment above one of her theaters, the E...
Σαν τον Οδυσσέα με τη Νικολέττα Λιακοσταύρου | 25.02.2023
Με αφορμή και τη συμπαράστασή μας και στήριξη στους καλλιτέχνες, οι οποίοι πλήττονται και αγωνίζονται, τελευταία, σε ό,τι και όποιον τους απαξιώνει. Στη χώρα που είναι και φέρεται ως ''Λίκνο του Θεάτρου'', άφησαν και ρήμαξε το μοναδικό Θεατρικό Μουσείο!!! ''Σ’ αυτόν τον τόπο όπου όλοι είμαστε τόσο τρ...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
On Saturday, February 25th, the show "Our Town" hosted Giorgos Chatzistergiou. The author and civil engineer, on the occasion of his books "Idoniki Geografia" and "O politismos ton fantasmaton", discussed with Themis Rodamitis concepts such as "love as a bridge to the world", "the feminine view of...