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Where Does The Music Go When We Stop Listening?
Menelaos Karamaghiolis
We talk about language with Linguistics professor Phoivos Panagiotidis
Την Πέμπτη 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2023, η εκπομπή «Αποτύπωμα» της «Φωνής της Ελλάδας» με τη Φούλη Ζαβιτσάνου, συνάντησε τον Φοίβο Παναγιωτίδη, καθηγητή θεωρητικής γλωσσολογίας στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Κύπρου και συγγραφέα των βιβλίων «Μίλα μου για γλώσσα», Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης, 2013 και «Μέσα από τις λέ...
Two Faces… | 09.02.2023
On anextraordinary broadcast, focusing mainly on the Greek language and the International Day dedicated to it, Christos Pagonis in the studio of Voice of Greece, is joined by the Secretary General of Greeks Abroad, Yannis Chrysoulakis, on a live connection with Naples, during which he spoke at a special...
Take Your Time
Αφιερωμένη, κατά το ήμισυ, στην Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ελληνικής Γλώσσας ήταν η εκπομπή της Πέμπτης, 9 Φεβρουαρίου. Καλεσμένος στο στούντιο ήταν ο γλωσσολόγος και συγγραφέας του βιβλίου "Η γλωσσική πολιτική της νεότερης Ελλάδας", Θεμιστοκλής Παπαδόπουλος. Με αφορμή το βιβλίο του που εκδόθηκε το 2019, μιλήσαμε ...
Infinitely Curious: 2023 Eleusis European Capital of Culture | 05.02.2023
ELEYSIS means Arrival of the Remarkable. If someone manages to change Elefsina, he can change the whole world", an artist once said. And Elefsina indeed has many reasons to want to change. The small town of 25,000 inhabitants, 21 kilometres west of Athens, is not beautiful, it is not picturesque. It...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
The Sunday, February 5th episode of the show "Our Town" was dedicated to Michalis Koumbios. The composer and music producer spoke about the island where he grew up, Tilos, about his first inspirations and references in music. He spoke about his studies, modern music technology, cinema, documentaries,...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
On Saturday, February 4th, the show "Our Town" presented Antonis Antoniou. The composer, lyricist, music producer and activist spoke about the city he lives and creates in, Nicosia. He spoke about his musical journey, that earned him important distinctions and awards in the international music scene. Special...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
The Friday, February 3rd episode of the show "Our Town" was dedicated to the city of Eleusis on the occasion of its inauguration as European Capital of Culture for 2023. The president of the "Eleusis" institution Despina Geroulanou, the artistic director Michael Marmarinos and the managing director...
Markos Botsaris’ descendant from Brazil!
Μια συγκλονιστική ιστορία... Η Ελισάβετ Μπότσαρη γεννημένη και μεγαλωμένη στο Σάο Πάολο της Βραζιλίας, είναι απόγονος του Μάρκου Μπότσαρη!!! Διεκδικεί μέσα από τα γρανάζια της γραφειοκρατίας, την ταυτότητα της, κάτι που είναι νόημα ζωής για την ίδια. Η εκπομπή ΩΡΑ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ και ο Νικόλας Αγγελίδης φιλοξενούν την ...
Merem on Voices and Music
On Thursday, February 2nd, on ERT's Global Radio the Voice of Greece, and on the broadcasting program "Voices and Music", curated and presented by Alexis Kostas, Merem from the Netherlands were the guests! The ensemble ‘merem’ was created in Rotterdam in 2021 by musicians Dimitra Metzaki (ou...
Greek and Cypriot culture and gastronomy in Barcelona.
Την Πέμπτη, 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2023, η εκπομπή «Αποτύπωμα» της Φωνή της Ελλάδας, με τη Φούλη Ζαβιτσάνου συνάντησε την Άννα Έλληνα, που ζει κι εργάζεται στη Βαρκελώνη, όπου προωθεί την ελληνική και κυπριακή κουλτούρα τόσο σε καλλιτεχνικό όσο και σε γαστρονομικό επίπεδο. Μας μίλησε για το πλαίσιο εκδηλώσεων «10 μέρε...
Take Your Time
Στην εκπομπή της Πέμπτης, 2 Φεβρουαρίου, ο Προκόπης Αγγελόπουλος συνομίλησε για τα θέματα της Επικαιρότητας με τον βουλευτή Κοζάνης της Ν.Δ,, Ευστάθιο Κωνσταντινίδη. Η συζήτηση κινήθηκε κυρίως γύρω από τα θέματα της Ακρίβειας και των Υποκλοπών, ενόψη των εκλογών. Στη δεύτερη ώρα, ακολουθώντας τον σφυ...
“Soil Of My Soul” with Angelos Stathopoulos
"The Treat" Nikos Xylouris once said: "People don't need much to be happy. As long as someone has two or three friends who really love him and enough money to be able to treat them." An action that shows generosity and graciousness, the treat, that today we tend to forget. Guest in the studio is...
Lia Hide on Voices and Music
Lia Hide was the guest of Alexis Kostas on the broadcasting program Voices and music on the Voice of Greece. Lia Hide has toured extensively in Europe and Greece and has completed several major European tours in more than 10 countries, while she has also performed in the USA and Canada. She...
54th Cairo International Book Fair on “Faraway Words”
On Tuesday, January 31st, the broadcasting program "Faraway words" traveled to Cairo and with the Director of the Greek Cultural Foundation's branch in Alexandria Ms. Stavroula Spanoudi as a guest, had a discussion about the Greek stand and the parallel events that will take place at the exhibition,...
Elizabeth Filippouli from London on “Faraway Words”
Elizabeth Filippouli from London was a guest on the Monday, January 30th episode of the broadcasting program "Faraway words" with Natasa Vissarionos. The social entrepreneur and philanthropist spoke about the production of the play "Alexander the Great: Between Dreams and Imagination", which will be...
Infinitely Curious: Are we alone in this universe? | 29.01.2023
Stamatis Krimizis is an accredited academic and space scientist with a distinguished career as a pioneer researcher in the field of space exploration programs of the solar system in the USA and NASA with an international reputation. Krimizis has also been the Principal Investigator...
Our Town with Themis Rodamitis
The Sunday, January 29th episode of the show "Our Town" is dedicated to Alki Zei. The award-winning author, both in Greece and abroad, beloved by readers, is honored this year by the Ministry of Culture, as 2023 has been declared the year of Alki Zei. Archival material will be broadcast and her friends...