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A.Tamis on the history of the Greek community of Shanghai on ”Our Global Voice” | 29.01.2024
Our Global Voice Diplas P. , Kontogiannis D.
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A.Tamis on the history of the Greek community of Shanghai on ”Our Global Voice” | 29.01.2024

Professor of Greek history, Anastasios Tamis, from Melbourne, Australia, continued the journey into the unknown history of the Greeks of China, while talking about the history of the Greek community in Shanghai, China – the elite of the Greek Diaspora – until 1949 on the show “Our Global Voice” with Petros Diplas and Dimitris Kontogiannis on the Voice of Greece Radio.

Mr. Tamis referred to the first Greek islanders, such as Samians, Chiots, Kefalonites, who settled in Shanghai in 1892, their life there and their professions. The Greeks had their homes in French territory but worked in British territory. From 1931 to 1949, the Greeks had a Greek-language program for an hour every Saturday on the local American radio station.

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