Our Global Voice Diplas P. , Kontogiannis D.
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Aikaterini Plesia-Efstathopoulou, MEP candidate with PASOK, on “Our Global Voice” | 23 May 2024

Aikaterini Plesia-Efstathopoulou, MEP candidate with PASOK- KINAL was born in Thessaloniki, and has been living in London since 2017. She spoke about her personal journey and her goals such as the green transition on a social context basis, the convergence of the Regions in EU and support for young people, on the show “Our Global Voice” with Petros Diplas and Dimitris Kontogiannis.

Mrs. Plesia-Efstathopoulou studied civil and environmental engineering and had her postgraduate studies at the University of Cambridge. She is currently working as a Business Consultant for the optimization of processes of utility companies in the context of the circular economy.

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