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Our Global Voice Diplas P. , Kontogiannis D.
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Antonis Klapsis about the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974 | 18 July 2024

In the third consecutive episode focused on the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, Antonis Klapsis, an associate professor of modern history and international diplomacy at the University of the Peloponnese, discussed developments in the Cyprus issue and Greek-Turkish relations from 1966 until the invasion in July 1974. He shared these insights on the Voice of Greece radio show “Our Global Voice,” hosted by Petros Diplas and Dimitris Kontogiannis.

Mr Klapsis talked about the failed attempt to revive the rejected American Acheson plan by the government of Stefanos Stefanopoulos in late 1966, the changes following the coup of April 21, 1967, the naivety and lack of understanding of the international environment by the coup plotters, and the events in the village of Kofinou in Cyprus in November 1967, which included Turkish air bombings that led to the withdrawal of the Greek division from Cyprus. Mr Klapsis highlighted the absurd situation within the junta and the armed forces, Ioannidis’ personal animosity against Archbishop Makarios, the prophetic letter from Evangelos Averoff to General Phaedon Gizikis, the president under Ioannidis, predicting the subsequent developments in the Cyprus issue and Greek-Turkish relations, the Turkish invasion of Cyprus on the morning of July 20, the mock negotiations by the Turks in Geneva before the second phase of their invasion, and the discussions in Athens between Konstantinos Karamanlis and Evangelos Averoff about sending Greek troops.

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