Our Global Voice Diplas P. , Kontogiannis D.
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Dinos Konstantinou, Consul General of Greece in New York, on ”Our Global Voice”| 18.12.23

The Consul General Dinos Konstantinou was the guest of Voice of Greece and the show “Our Global Voice”. He spoke about the attempted arson that happened yesterday Sunday early morning.

“An unknown person tried to set fire to the entrance of the Greek consulate in New York, using some flammable material with which he doused the plants outside. The fire did not take on a large extent, because the response of the fire brigade was immediate, whom I thank publicly,” said the Consul General of Greece in New York, Mr. Dinos Constantinou and added: “It has happened before. We cannot know the motives. With their investigation, the police will identify the perpetrator – there is video footage from the surveillance cameras – and we will know more.”

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