Dr. Nikos Alexiou, a sociology professor at Queens College of the City University of New York and the director and founder of the Hellenic American Project at the same college, discussed his personal story, the mission of the research center he leads, and the key findings of the recent seminar on Greek-language media in New York on the Voice of Greece radio show “Our Global Voice,” hosted by Dimitris Kontogiannis.
Regarding the Hellenic American Project, Dr. Alexiou emphasized that the project collects and digitizes the archives of Greek communities in New York. Additionally, it has secured the archives of the Greek-language section of the Voice of America, which closed following President Trump’s decision, and is now seeking funding for their digitization.
During the seminar, Dr. Alexiou briefly outlined the history of traditional Greek-language print media, such as the now-closed Atlantis newspaper and the continuing Ethnikos Kirikas, as well as the Greek-language radio stations, diaspora TV channels, and digital platforms. He highlighted the challenges of the future, especially as the demographic composition of the Greek community in New York and beyond is changing. He stressed the importance of approaching the second, third, and fourth generations of Greek-Americans differently, as their relationship with diaspora media needs to be redefined.