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“Faraway Words” about World Theatre Day in Brussels | 26 March. 2025
Faraway Words Natasa Vissarionos
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“Faraway Words” about World Theatre Day in Brussels | 26 March. 2025

The show featured director and head of the Greek theatre group “Y-grec” in Brussels, Mr. Giannis Gavras. The discussion was inspired by the collective celebration of World Theatre Day (March 27) by all Greek theatre groups in Brussels.

As Mr. Gavras mentioned, this year’s celebration will take place with a performance featuring eight Greek theatre troupes from the Belgian capital, alongside two emerging groups taking their first theatrical steps. The event will be held at De Lijsterbes Theatre on Saturday, March 29, at 20:00, and Sunday, March 30, at 18:00 (Belgium time).

The eight theatre groups will present “Scenes from Greek Theatre,” showcasing excerpts from Greek plays spanning from antiquity to the present day.

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