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“Faraway Words” about the Lyceum of Greek Women in Munich | 24 Feb. 2025
Faraway Words Natasa Vissarionos
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“Faraway Words” about the Lyceum of Greek Women in Munich | 24 Feb. 2025

The show featured Magda Konstantinidou, head of the Lyceum of Greek Women’s office in Munich, Bavaria, on the occasion of an upcoming event organized by the Lyceum for International Women’s Day.

As she mentioned, the Lyceum was established in 2001 and has since organized numerous events, lectures, and exhibitions. They also offer traditional dance classes, which have gained great popularity among young people and children, with approximately 75 to 80 participants. The group has also performed at international folk dance festivals and possesses an extensive collection of traditional costumes.

The event on March 8, titled “Life Journeys,” is dedicated to Greek migrant women. It will feature Greek women sharing their experiences and discussing the challenges they faced, particularly during the early years of migration, often referred to as the “stone years”, when they first settled in Germany. Mrs. Konstantinidou emphasized that between 40% and 43% of Greek migrants to Germany in the 1960s were women.

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