The show featured Miltos Pavlou, who lives and works in Vienna. He is a researcher and writer on human rights, with studies in Sociology (Italy) and Law (Thessaloniki). He serves at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA – EU Agency for Fundamental Rights) and directs the EU LGBTIQ Survey in 30 European countries. Over the past thirty years, he has worked in various European and Central Asian countries, leading international interdisciplinary study and research teams. He was also a Special Scientist at the Ombudsman’s Office and director of institutes and centers dedicated to combating racism and xenophobia, as well as protecting human rights (i-RED, HLHR-KEMO National Observatory on Racism and Xenophobia).
Alongside his primary professional career, Pavlou composes and creates songs in Greek and English, focusing on love, travel, places, people, and themes that touch upon what is worth living for and what changes life. The radio conversation was inspired by the release of his first album, titled “NOHMA,” for which he composed both the music and lyrics. Additionally, Miltos Pavlou has already released two song collections based on the poetry of Cavafy, Ithaki (2023) and ITHACA (2024).
Pavlou spoke about the songs from NOHMA, which represent key moments on a path (re-/dis-)covering this human journey. These songs highlight and build upon defining experiences, principles, and values, both individual and collective. They address the ambiguous relationship with the homeland and country, the human condition, the depths and sky of human society, perpetual migration, and the journey through the world, including encounters between generations and cultures. The songs also reflect on disruptive, cosmogenic, yet sometimes disreputable, passionate love and transcendental love that does not fade when we leave.