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Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
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Konstantinos Kotios on “Take Your Time” | 11 July 2024

Konstantinos Kotios, a Professional Career Advisor, was a guest on “Take Your Time” with Prokopis Agelopoulos, where he shared his advice and experience on correctly completing the computerized forms for the Panehellenic exams. Mr. Kotios, said that until this weekend the effort and demand for the completion of computer science is at its peak. Mr. Kotios mentioned that the effort and demand for completing these forms is at its peak this weekend. In response to a question about whether children experience excessive stress during this period, he noted that the process of filling out the forms before the Pan-Hellenic exams causes anxiety about choosing a school or city. Parents also worry because they understand the labor market better and foresee their children’s future development.

Regarding the cost of student life outside major cities, Mr. Kotios explained that many students choose Athens or retake the exams to improve their chances of getting in. Moreover, they try to transfer to Athens so they can stay with avoid the cost of moving to another city.

However, he highlighted that there are schools in the provinces with lower admission scores that offer equal opportunities for employment, skill acquisition, and supplementing family income. He added that being a remarkable scientist does not necessarily mean knowing how to pursue professional opportunities.

Finally, he emphasized that the future sectors in the labor market include data analysis (economics and finance), food, the environment (renewable energy sources), shipping (trade and logistics), and technology (artificial intelligence, applications, and programming).