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Nikos Frangos about Greek Language honorary events in Italy | 10 Feb. 2025
Our Global Voice Diplas P. , Kontogiannis D.
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Nikos Frangos about Greek Language honorary events in Italy | 10 Feb. 2025

Nikos Frangos, a member of the Greek diaspora and president of the Hellenic Institute of Culture in Milan, spoke on the show “Our Global Voice” with Dimitris Kontogiannis about the event he organized in Taranto for International Greek Language Day, featuring speaker Francesco Colafemmina, as well as the Institute’s Vasilopita-cutting celebration in Milan.

At the event in southern Italy, held at the Taranto Bank, Mr. Colafemmina discussed the history of the olive tree from Athens to Apulia. There were also references to traditional sweets found in both regions under different names, such as loukoumades and diples, among others. Mr. Frangos also highlighted ongoing efforts to strengthen ties between southern and northern Italy and various regions of Greece through twinning initiatives.

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