Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
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Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 19.01.2024

The show on Friday, January 19th, was hesitating between Politics and Science. Two standout figures, each in his field, were hosted in the studio of Voice of Greece.

In the first hour and after the headlines, we hosted the MEP of SYRIZA P.A. Kostas Arvanitis and we talked with him about the European Parliament and the brander between conservative and progressive forces in Europe, the Left today; developments in SYRIZA; the refugee crisis and the inability of European leaders to provide a way out of the problem based on Humanism and European values; and what is happening in Greece and Greek political news.

In the second hour, invited to the studio, newly arrived from Izmir, was the physicist and distinguished professor at the University of New South Wales, Mattheos Santamouris. We talked about latest developments in the effort to decarbonize cities, climate change and how important it is to achieve the zero carbon goals in the coming years, but also about how important it is for these goals to stop concern only developed countries but to support those under development in the same direction.