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Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 23.11.2023
Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
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Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 23.11.2023

On Thursday, November 23, 2023, we deal with the big social issue of Violence between minors, as the incidents are taking alarming dimensions. Ms. Despina Svourdakou, Professor of Criminology at the Panteion University, was invited to give answers to important questions on the subject. Then, in the context of our acquaintance with the only 22 women mayors elected in the Local Government elections, we talk with Mrs. Eleonora Georga, the new Mayor of Limnos, who talks, among other things, about her priorities related to issues such as the island’s water supply and traffic.

In the second hour, and following the international news from Ivana Djordjevic, we travel to Chalkida and learn details about the organization of the 17th Documentary Festival (Docfest), with tributes which include the screenings of five documentaries by Dimitris Mavrikios and Billy Kotsis and Basil Genimahaliotis about the Griko people, the Greek-speaking villages of Lower Italy. Accompanying this short “journey” is the artistic director of the festival, Stavros Ioannou. Shortly before the end of the show, ERT’s political editor, Giannis Fasoulas, phones in to inform about developments in SYRIZA, following the announcement of Effie Achtsioglou’s team withdrawal and the formation of a new, independent parliamentary group. At the closing of the show, we are informed by Ms. Anastasia Vamvaka, communications manager of the Eugenides Foundation, about its collaboration with the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, in a series of actions aimed mainly at school students, but also about the latest news of the Planetarium, which has been upgraded with new projection systems and awaits its friends for its daily screenings.

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