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Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
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Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 30 July 2024

On Tuesday, July 30, 2024, we kicked things off by speaking with Mr. Vasilis Vathrakogiannis to get the latest updates on the major wildfire near Petries in Evia.

Following that, we dove into the headlines and then connected with Haris Zavoudakis, ERT’s correspondent in Samos, who shared insights on tourism on the island.

We also reached out to Mary Skandali, ERT’s TV reporter, reporting from the livestock unit in Megara where the first case of goat plague was detected in Attica.

To wrap up the show, international relations expert Kostas Yfantis offered his analysis on the current situation in the Middle East. He highlighted the growing risk of escalation, which could potentially hinder peaceful resolution efforts in the crisis, especially after Israel’s recent actions against Lebanon.