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The Ambassador of Greece to Japan, Nikolaos Argyros, on the show “Take Your Time” | 27 Feb. 2025
Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
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The Ambassador of Greece to Japan, Nikolaos Argyros, on the show “Take Your Time” | 27 Feb. 2025

The show “Take Your Time” with Prokopis Agelopoulos hosted the Ambassador of Greece to Japan, Nikolaos Argyros, on the occasion of an event organized by the Greek Embassy in Tokyo. The event, scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, February 28, in the Japanese capital, celebrates World Greek Language Day.

The event will feature a special lecture on contemporary Greek poetry by Dr. Kosuke Fukunda, a Hellenist and translator from Osaka University. Additionally, the Japanese edition of the Anthology of State Poetry Awards (2010-2022), published by the Ministry of Culture, will be presented. The translation and publication of the anthology were funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and marked one of the Embassy’s key initiatives during last year’s Greece-Japan Year of Culture and Tourism.

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