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Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 01.02.2024
Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
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Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 01.02.2024

On Thursday, the first day of February, we talked about the very serious issue of underpopulation with Alexandra Tragaki, professor of Economic Demography at Harokopio University. Immediately after the headlines of the newspapers, we gave the floor to the mayor of Amfiklia-Elateia, Athanasia Stivakti, as part of our acquaintance with the only 22 female mayors who emerged from the polls of the local elections.

In the second hour, journalist and researcher Thomas Sideris spoke on our show on the occasion of the series of radio documentaries that began last Friday to be presented by the frequencies of Voice of Greece entitled “Forgotten Villages”. Then we met the Greek mayor of Ixelles, Christos Doulekridis, who excels in Belgium in the difficult field of Local Government. He is a child of immigrants from Pontos and Rhodes, who spoke to us both about his life in Belgium, the story of his parents, while also addressing current issues such as marriage equality. He talks about his own experience as mayor of Belgium’s most centrist municipality, who has married many same-sex couples since 2000 when the relevant law was put in force in Belgium.

The show ended with Ivana Djordjevic in the international news and Kostas Koukoulas with the sports news.

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