Poet Of The Week
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Poet of the Week Thodoris Rakopoulos

Theodoros Rakopoulos was born in 1981 in Amyntaio. He studied in Thessaloniki and London.
He has published three books of poetry, one of short stories and one as a member of a poetry triad. He has been awarded the State Prize for Emerging Writer for his first book (“Fagioum”), while he has been nominated for other award categories (the State awards, and the “Anagnostis” magazine ones).
His most recent book: “Stis ethnikes odous” (2022).
He runs the blog “I Afriki me opoiodipote allo onoma”.
His poems have been translated into English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Finnish and Serbian.
He is an Associate Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo.