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Poet of the Week 11/04/2019
Poet Of The Week
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Poet of the Week 11/04/2019

Giannis Antiochou is a poet and translator. He was born in Athens in 1969. He grew up and now lives in Piraeus. He holds an MBA and MSc from the School of Medicine of the University of Athens, specializing in Intensive Care Units. He works as a specialist consultant in the field of Hospital accreditation and certification.
He has published seven poetry books. He has published the poetry collections Aftos, o kato ouranos (2019), Dialysis (2017), Ekpnoes (2014) and Eispnoes (2009) with Ikaros publications. He has translated works by: T.S. Eliot, Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, Hart Crane, Anna Akhmatova, John Berryman and others. He contributes in literary periodicals as a columnist and critic, in print and online, such as: Hartis, Anti, Index, Delear, Poiisi, Dekata, Poitiki, Poetix, Mandragoras, Literature and others. His works have been translated into English, French and Spanish and have been included in American and French poetry anthologies.
His work and poetry have been featured in ERT broadcasts such as: Digamma, Axion Esti, O Logos tis Grafis, and on radio broadcasts.
WORKS(2019) Aftos, o kato ouranos, Ikaros(2017)To feggari bainei ap’ ola ta parathyra, Ikaros

(2017) Dialysis, Ikaros

(2014) Ekpnoes, Ikaros

(2009) Eispnoes, Ikaros

(2006) Curriculum Vitae, Melani

(2005) Sti glossa tou, Gavriilidis

(2004) Romeo and Juliet, Delear

(2003) Anilikis nyktos paristion derma, Gavriilidis

(2019) Encheiridio Aftoxeirias (Sylvia Plath, Hart Crane, Anne Sexton), Gavriilidis

(2017) Eliot, Thomas Stearns, 1888-1965, The Waste Land. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. The Hollow Men, Gavriilides

(2008) Collective work, I thiriodis mousa, Mikri Arktos

(2008) Akhmatova, Anna, 1889-1966, Poems, Mikri Arktos

(2007) Hässner, Wolfgang, Anna Akhmatova, Melani

(2005) Hughes, Ted, 1930-1998, Birthday letters, Melani