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Poet of The Week 07/08/2019
Poet Of The Week
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Poet of The Week 07/08/2019

Anteia Phrantze was born in Athens in 1945. She studied History and Archaeology at the University of Athens. She completed her postgraduate studies at the Sorbonne University and holds a Ph.D. in Modern Greek Literature (1982). She taught Modern Greek Literature at the Department of Literature of the University of Thessaloniki (1985-2012) and has since been an emeritus professor at the same university. She collaborated with the School of Drama of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and was a visiting professor at the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of the University of Cyprus. She did research work in the USA, namely at New York University, Columbia University, as well as the Massachusetts Archives in Boston.
She was a regular contributor and member of the editorial board of “Anti” magazine from 1975 until its publication ceased in 2008. She edited special issues and literary tributes and, from 1982 to 1985, she was in charge of the series “Neoellinikes psifides” of Polytypo publications. From 1995 to 2008, she participated in the organizing committee and coordinated the publication of Aimos, Anthologia Valkanikis Poiisis, Athens, Oi filoi tou periodikou “Anti”, 2006. She is a member of the “Hellenic Authors’ Society”, the non-profit company “Manolis Anagnostakis” and the “Contemporary Social History Archives”.
She has published the following poetry collections: I peripeteia mias perigrafis, Thessaloniki, Egnatia-Tram, 1978. Metapoiisi ylikon, Thessaloniki, Barbounakis, 1982. I achinalepou, Athens, Gnosi, 1985 (children’s book). Metagrafi imerologiou, Athens, Hestia Publishers, 1984. Schedon ainigma, Athens, Iakinthos, 1987. Stefani, Athens, Kedros, 1993. Teleti sto kyma, Athens, Nefeli, 2002. Fevgalea. Poiimata 1975-2010, Athens, Ypsilon/Vivlia, 2010. Stichari, Athens, Gavriilidis, 2014.
She has also published literary studies/essays: Outos i allos: Anagnostakis, Engonopoulos, Kachtitsis, Chatzis, Athens, Polytypo, 1988. Erotikes metamorfoseis: Antidoro stin Matsi Chatzilazarou, Athens, Polytypo, 1989. Mismagia: Anthologio Fanariotikis poiisis, Athens, Hestia Publishers 1993, reprint, 2008, Edward Everett: Selides imerologiou apo tin Ellada tou 1819, Athens, Trochalia 1996. M. Karagatsis: Periplanisi ston kosmo. Taxidiotikes entyposeis, (Selection, introduction, editing), Athens, Hestia Publishers, 2002. Emene poiima: Mia peridiavasi sto poiitiko “dasos” tis Elenis Vakalo, Athens, Nefeli, 2005. Erotikes metamorfoseis. Simeioseis gia tin poiisi tis Matsis Chatzilazarou [revised edition], Athens, Gavriilidis, 2015. “Eleftheri Zoi ki anarchi os kyma” Romos Philyras (1888-1942), Athens, Takis Sinopoulos-Gavriilidis Foundation, 2017.